Latest version.
  • Beginning with Supplement No. 9, this table will be replaced with the "Code Comparative Table and Disposition List."

    Ordinance Number
    8 Transient occupancy tax (A9)
    19 Adopts county code provisions (Repealed by 230)
    47 Adds § 96-14.003; amends § 96-14.002, improvements of city streets (Not codified)
    49 Adds Ch. III (§ B11-36), antennas (B6)
    55 Adds Ch. IV (§§ A6-61—A6-87), alarm systems (B7)
    64 Adds Ch. III (§§ C12-400—C12-480), grading and erosion control (C7)
    69 Cable television and communications systems (Repealed by 335)
    73 Adds §§ B7-166—B7-221 to prior code, noise control (B6)
    87 Adds § A5-25, architectural review board and procedures (A5)
    122 Amends § 588-2.206, massage services (Not codified)
    146 Amends § B1-24(h)1 of prior code, cardrooms (B1)
    147 Adds §§ A10-31—A10-50, gas and electric utility users excise tax (Not passed)
    148 Rezone (Special)
    149 Rezone (Special)
    150 Adds Art. 14 (§§ D1-130—D1-140) to prior code Div. D1, zoning (Repealed by 169)
    151 Adds Art. 2 (§§ C13-319—C13-324) to prior code Div. C13, public school facility needs for subdivision (C13)
    152 Repeals §§ C4-21, C4-31 and C4-42 (Repealer)
    153 Rezone (Special)
    154 Redesignates Div. B8 to be transportation systems management (Repealed by 261)
    155 Adds § B9-33 to prior code Div. B9, speed limit (B8)
    156 Development agreement (Special)
    157 Rezone (Special)
    158 (Missing)
    159 Adds Div. A15 (§§ A15-1—A15-11) to prior code, councilmembers' travel authorizations (A6)
    160 Rezone (Special)
    161 Rezone (Special)
    162 Downtown specific plan amendment (Special)
    163 Adds Div. B10 (§§ B10-1—B10-33) to prior code, park regulations (B5)
    164 Adds Div. C1 (§§ C1-1—C1-62) to prior code, traffic management planning (C4)
    165 Adds Ch. I (§§ B2-1—B2-42), general provisions and Ch. II (§§ B2-47—B2-48), classifications and rates, to prior code Div. B2, business regulations (B3)
    166 Adds Ch. II (§§ B7-91—B7-96) to prior code Div. B7, chlorofluorocarbon-processed food packaging (B6)
    167 Adds §§ A4-5—A4-6, renumbers § A4-5 to be A4-7 and amends § A4-4 of prior code, city council (A4)
    168 Adds § B9-39 and repeals and replaces §§ B9-30 and B9-31, traffic (B8)
    169 Adopts Title D and repeals Title D and §§ A2-25, B11-20—B11-40 of Div. B11, zoning (A5)
    170 Development agreement (Special)
    171 Amends § C13-845 of prior code, subdivisions (C13)
    172 Rezone (Special)
    173 Adds Div. C4 (§§ C4-1—C4-52), building code, and §§ A5-68—A5-74, board of appeals, to prior code (A5)
    174 Adds §§ C12-785—C12-799 to prior code, building security (C2)
    175 Adds Div. C14 (§§ C14-1—C14-27) to prior code, electrical code (Repealed by 313)
    176 Adds Div. C12 (§§ C12-1—C12-12) to prior code, plumbing code (Repealed by 311)
    177 Adds Div. C10 (§§ C10-1—C10-9) to prior code, solar energy code (Repealed by 316)
    178 Adds Div. C6 (§§ C6-1—C6-35) to prior code, swimming pool, spa and hot tub code (Repealed by 317)
    179 Adds Div. C5 (§§ C5-1—C5-11) to prior code, sign code (Repealed by 315)
    180 Adds Div. C7 (§§ C7-1—C7-23) to prior code, mechanical code (Repealed by 272)
    181 Adds Div. C9 (§§ C9-1—C9-9) to prior code, dangerous buildings code (Repealed by 318)
    182 Adds §§ A6-1—A6-45, nuisances; renumbers §§ A6-20—A6-49, abandoned vehicles, to be §§ A6-46—A6-75 and §§ A6-50—A6-60, parking for purpose of sale on highways, to be §§ A6-76—A6-86; repeals §§ A6-1—A6-19 (Repealed by 377)
    183 Repeals and replaces §§ B9-30, B9-34, B9-35 and B9-36, speed limits (B8)
    184 Adds §§ A7-1—A7-40, contract and procurement authority (Repealed by 367)
    185 Development agreement (Special)
    186 Adds §§ C13-320 and C13-322 and amends § C13-321, public school facilities report (C4)
    187 Amends Div. B8, transportation systems management (Repealed by 261)
    188 Adds §§ C15-1—C15-10, tree preservation (C4)
    189 Adds §§ A4-27—A4-30, supplemental reporting of election campaign contribution (A3)
    190 Development agreement (Special)
    191 Repeals and replaces §§ C12-800—C12-819, flood insurance program (C4)
    192 Adds § D3-109, ridge protection map (Not codified)
    193 Development agreement (Special)
    194 Adds §§ B7-97—B7-110, ozone-depleting compounds (B6)
    195 Amends § A5-20, planning commission (A5)
    196 Amends § A5-20, planning commission (A5)
    197 Amends General Plan; Save Our Hills Initiative (Not codified)
    198 Adds § A10-12, sales and use tax exclusions and exemptions; amends § A1-33, general penalty, § A6-20, abandoned vehicles, § B1-90, bingo, § B4-26, amusements, and § B10-18, fireworks; repeals and replaces § A10-12(d), sales and use tax exclusions and exemptions; repeals §§ B9-91 and C13-1—C13-23 (A1, A9, B1, B4)
    199 Development agreement (Special)
    200 Amends Title D, zoning (Not codified)
    201 Amends B1-4, violation of fire district regulations; repeals § B1-1 (B1)
    202 Adds subsection (i) to B7-97 of prior code: adds Section B7-102 to prior code, ozone-depleting compounds (B6)
    203 Rezone (Special)
    204 Rezone (Special)
    205 Repeals and replaces § A4-3(a), mayor and mayor pro tempore; amends § A4-4, compensation; renumbers § A4-7 to be A4-10; adds §§ A4-7 and A4-8, office and employees (A4)
    206 Rezone (Special)
    207 Adds Div. A3 (§§ A3-1—A3-17) to prior code, housing authority (A5)
    208 Rezone (Special)
    209 Amends Title D, zoning (Not codified)
    210 Adds Ch. V (§§ B11.56—11.58) to prior code, juvenile alcohol offenses (B7)
    211 Amends § B6-34, recycling transporter permit (Repealed by 286)
    212 Development agreement (Special)
    213 Amends § B6-3(A)9, refuse collection service (B6)
    214 Amends Title D, zoning (Not codified)
    215 Rezone (Special)
    216 Amends Div. B8, transportation systems management (Repealed by 261)
    217 Amends Title D, zoning (Not codified)
    218 Adds §§ C4-121—122, water conservation and landscape (C4)
    219 Repeals A4-8, health and welfare benefits (Repealer)
    220 Adopts 1991 Uniform Building Code; adds Ch. V (§§ A5-81—A5-83), building code board of appeals; amends §§ C3-1—C3-2, building relocation (A5, C3)
    221 Adopts 1991 Uniform Sign Code (Repealed by 315)
    222 Adopts 1991 Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code (Repealed by 317)
    223 Adopts 1991 Uniform Mechanical Code and 1992 Supplement (Repealed by 272)
    224 Adopts 1991 Uniform Solar Energy Code (Repealed by 316)
    225 Adopts 1990 National Electrical Code (Repealed by 313)
    226 Adopts Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings and the Uniform Housing Code (Repealed by 318)
    227 Adds Ch. I (§§ C2-1—C2-9), building security regulations (C2)
    228 Adopts Uniform Plumbing Code (Repealed by 311)
    229 Adopts Uniform Fire Code (Repealed by 314)
    230 Div. C6 (§§ C6-1—C6-189), public works and flood control; Article 4 (§§ B8-36—B8-38), parking; Chs. III (§ B1-11), gambling; II (§§ B2-11—B2-18); III (§§ B2-19—B2-26); IV (§§ B-27—B2-47); V (§§ B2-48—B2-55); VI (§§ B2-56—B2-61); VII (§§ B2-62—B2-66); VIII (§§ B2-67—B2-92); IX (§§ B2-93—B2-112); X (§§ B2-113—B2-120), animals; X (§§ B6-231—B6-287); XI (§§ B6-301—B6-359), health sanitation and environmental quality; III (§ B7-21); IV (§§ B7-125—B7-127); V (§§ B7-128—B7-140); VI (§§ B7-141—B7-170); VII (B7-171—B7-180); VIII (§§ B7-181—B7-210); IX (§§ B7-221—B7-227); X (B7-231—B7-234), public peace, morals and welfare; III (§§ B8-121—B8-126), traffic orders; § A1-55, judicial review (A1, B1, B2, B6, B8, C6)
    231 Adds Ch. IV (B1-121—B1-126), special events; repeals Chs. VI (§§ B8-91—B8-97) and 56-2 of county code provisions (B1)
    232 Amends subsection A of § B6-2, refuse collection service (B6)
    233 Amends § 3 of Ord. 8 (A9)
    234 Adds Ch. XII to B7 (§§ B7-247—B7-249), firearms (B7)
    235 Amends § B1-15, licensing (B1)
    236 Rezone (Special)
    237 Adds § B7-41, false alarm fee (B7)
    238 Development agreement amendment (Special)
    239 Amends § A3-15, campaign statement; repeals paragraph 14 and renumbers paragraph 15 to be 14 in § A3-13 (A3)
    240 Amends § D2-202, zoning (Not codified)
    241 Rezone (Special)
    242 Amends subsection C of B3-42, business licenses (B3)
    243 Adds Div. 10 to Title A (§§ A10-1—A10-4), claims against the city (A10)
    244 Amends §§ B6-131—B6-190, residential property maintenance (B6)
    245 Development agreement (Special)
    246 Adds Div. 10[11] (A11-1—A11-21) to Title A, personnel (A11)
    247 Adds § D4-118, zoning (Not codified)
    248 Amends § D4-120, zoning (Not codified)
    249 Adds Ch. X [XIII] to Div. B7 (B7-253—B7-269), graffiti control (B7)
    250 Amends Ch. IV (B6-71—B6-79) of Div. B6, smoking regulations (B6)
    251 Rezone (Special)
    252 Adds Ch. I [XV] (B9-101—B9-108) to Div. B9, cable television systems (B9)
    253 Rezone (Special)
    254 Rezone (Special)
    255 Rezone (Special)
    256 Amends §§ D2-102, D3-404 and D3-406, zoning (Not codified)
    257 Adds Ch. V (A4-51—A4-55) to Div. A4, director of administrative services/finance (A4)
    258 Rezone (Special)
    259 Amends Ch. 3 of Div. 4, zoning (Not codified)
    260 Amends redevelopment area plan (Special)
    261 Repeals and replaces Ch. VII (B8-101—B8-120) of Div. B8, transportation demand management (Repealed by 301)
    262 Amends subsection H of § B1-11 and subsection C of § B1-16, cardrooms (B1)
    263 Rezone (Special)
    264 Rezone (Special)
    265 Development agreement amendment (Special)
    266 Amends § D2-804, zoning (Not codified)
    267 Amends conservation and enhancement program (Not codified)
    268 Amends §§ D2-200 and D2-202, zoning (Not codified)
    269 Amends §§ B8-45 and B8-46, speed limits (B8)
    270 Amends § D2-402, zoning (Not codified)
    271 Repeals and replaces Arts. 1, 2 and 3 of Ch. I of Div. C1, Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 310)
    272 Repeals and replaces Ch. II of Div. C1, Uniform Mechanical Code (Repealed by 312)
    273 Amends §§ C1-81, C1-83, C1-84, C1-85 and C1-86, Uniform Plumbing Code (Repealed by 311)
    274 Amends §§ C1-151, C1-152, C1-153 and C1-155, Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings and Uniform Housing Code (Repealed by 318)
    275 Amends § C1-161, Uniform Sign Code (Repealed by 315)
    276 Amends §§ C1-111 and C1-113, Uniform Solar Energy Code (Repealed by 316)
    277 Amends §§ C1-121, C1-126, C1-127, C1-128, C1-130, C1-132 and C1-144, Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code (Repealed by 317)
    278 Amends § C1-171, Uniform Fire Code (Repealed by 314)
    279 Amends §§ C1-91 and C1-97; repeals C1-93, C1-100 and C1-101, National Electrical Code (Repealed by 313)
    280 Adds § A4-8 to Ch. I of Div. A4, health and welfare benefits for councilmembers (Repealed by 365)
    281 Amends §§ A5-31 and A5-35, architectural review board membership (A5)
    282 Rezone (Special)
    283 Rezone (Special)
    284 Development agreement amendment (Special)
    285 Repeals Ord. 162, downtown specific plan amendment (Repealer)
    286 Adds Ch. III (B6-44—B6-49) [Ch. II, Art. 2] to Div. B6; repeals and replaces Ch. II (B6-31—B6-43) of Div. B6, recycling (B6)
    287 Adds Ch. XIII [XII] (B6-360—B6-377) to Div. B6, stormwater management and discharge control (B6)
    288 Adds Ch. IIA (C4-26—C4-30) to Div. C4, Southern Contra Costa regional and subregional fees for road improvements (C4)
    289 Rezone (Special)
    290 Amends Div. D2, zoning (Not codified)
    291 Amends zoning map (Special)
    292 Amends Div. D2, zoning (Not codified)
    293 Amends zoning map (Special)
    294 Rezone (Special)
    295 Rezone (Special)
    296 Rezone (Special)
    297 Amends §§ A11-6 and A11-14, personnel (A11)
    298 Amends §§ B2-26, animals (B2)
    299 Development agreement amendment (Special)
    300 Amends § A4-2, officers and employees (Repealed by 365)
    301 Adds Ch. VI to Div. B8, transportation system management; repeals Ch. VII of Div. B8 (B8-101—B8-120) (B8)
    302 Adds Art. 2 to Ch. IIA of Div. C4 (C4-29.01—C4-29.05); renumbers § C4-30 to be C4-28; designates §§ C4-26—C4-28 to be Art. 1 of Ch. IIA, land development; repeals §§ C4-28—C4-29 (C4)
    303 Adds § A4-42, officers and employees (Repealed by 370)
    304 Amends § A4-31, officers and employees (A4)
    305 Amends § D2-202, zoning (Not codified)
    306 Amends § D2-202, zoning (Not codified)
    307 Amends §§ B6-71 and B6-73, smoking regulations (B6)
    308 Adds Ch. XIV (§§ B7-270—B7-274) to Div. B7, laser pointers (B7)
    309 (Number not used)
    310 Repeals and replaces Ch. I of Div. C1, California Building Code (Repealed by 342)
    311 Repeals and replaces Ch. III of Div. C1, California Plumbing Code (Repealed by 349)
    312 Repeals and replaces Ch. II of Div. C1, California Mechanical Code (Repealed by 348)
    313 Repeals and replaces Ch. IV of Div. C1, California Electrical Code (Repealed by 347)
    314 Repeals and replaces Ch. IX of Div. C1, California Fire Code (Repealed by 350)
    315 Repeals and replaces Ch. VIII of Div. C1, Uniform Sign Code (Repealed by 346)
    316 Repeals and replaces Ch. V of Div. C1, Uniform Solar Energy Code (Repealed by 345)
    317 Repeals and replaces Ch. VI of Div. C1, Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code (Repealed by 344)
    318 Repeals and replaces Ch. VII of Div. C1, Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings and Uniform Housing Code (Repealed by 343)
    319 Adds § B6-19 [B6-79] to Ch. IV of Div. B6; amends §§ B3-17, B3-18, B3-19, business licenses, and B6-71, B6-73, B6-77 and B6-78, smoking regulations; renumbers § B6-79 to be B6-80 (B3, B6)
    320 Rezone (Special)
    321 Prezone (Special)
    322 Amends contract with California Public Employees' Retirement System (Not codified)
    323 Amends § C4-29.02, land development (C4)
    324 Rezone (Special)
    325 Adds § B1-46; amends §§ B1-2 and B1-32, cardrooms (B1)
    326 Adds § B1-54, cardrooms (B1)
    327 Rezone (Special)
    328 Adds Ch. XV, §§ B7-280 through B7-284; amends § B5-13, parks and recreation (B5, B7)
    329 Amends § B3-42(C), business licenses (B3)
    330 Amends §§ B3-4 and B3-19, business licenses (B3)
    331 Adds Ch. IIIA to Div. C4, community forestry program (C4)
    332 Rezone (Special)
    333 Prezone (Special)
    334 Adds § B8-122(T), traffic regulations (B8)
    335 Repeals and replaces Div. B9, cable communications (B9)
    336 Establishes a period during which neither the city's general plan nor the zoning ordinance (Not codified)
    337 Amends contract with the California Public Employees' Retirement System (Special)
    338 Development agreement amendment (Special)
    339 Development agreement amendment (Special)
    340 Development agreement amendment (Special)
    341 Amends § A4-1, officers and employees (A4)
    342 Repeals and replaces Ch. I of Div. C1, California Building Code (C1)
    343 Repeals and replaces Ch. VII of Div. C1, Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings and Uniform Housing Code (C1)
    344 Repeals and replaces Ch. VI of Div. C1, Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code (C1)
    345 Repeals and replaces Ch. V of Div. C1, Uniform Solar Energy Code (C1)
    346 Repeals and replaces Ch. VIII of Div. C1, Uniform Sign Code (C1)
    347 Repeals and replaces Ch. IV of Div. C1, California Electrical Code (C1)
    348 Repeals and replaces Ch. II of Div. C1, California Mechanical Code (C1)
    349 Repeals and replaces Ch. III of Div. C1, California Plumbing Code (C1)
    350 Repeals and replaces Ch. IX of Div. C1, California Fire Code (C1)
    351 Repeals and replaces Ch. IX of Div. B7, massage services (Repealed by 375)
    353 Adds § A9-24D, revenue and finance (A9)
    354 Adds Ch. V to Div. D4, zoning (Not codified)
    355 (Number not used)
    356 Prezone (Special)
    357 Amends Ch. V of Div. A4, director of finance (A4)
    358 Repeals and replaces § A4-7, city council (Repealed by 365)
    359 Repeals and replaces §§ B6-131 and B6-181, nuisances (B6)
    360 Amends § A5-31, architectural review board (A5)
    361 Extends time limitations on Redevelopment Project Area Plan (Special)
    362 Adds Art. 4 to Ch. I of Div. A1 (§§ A1-37—A1-52) and Art. 5 to Ch. I of Div. A1 (§§ A1-61—A1-80); renumbers §§ A1-41—A1-61 as §§ A1-91—A1-101, administrative citations and remedies (A1)
    363 Prezone (Special)
    364 Amends §§ D4-114, D5-1000, D5-1002, zoning (Not codified)
    365 Repeals §§ A4-7—A4-8; repeals and replaces §§ A4-2—A4-3, city council (A4)
    366 Amends Div. A6, deleting §§ A6-1—A6-6, and replacing them with §§ A6-1—A6-9 (A6)
    367 Repeals and replaces §§ A7-1—A7-30, contract and procurement authority (A7)
    368 Amends § B1-11, cardrooms (B1)
    369 Rezone (Special)
    370 Repeals § A4-42 (Repealer)
    371 Amends redevelopment area plan (Special)
    372 Prezone (Special)
    373 Adds § D2-300, zoning (Not codified)
    374 Rezone (Special)
    375 Repeals and replaces Ch. IX of Div. B7, massage services (B7)
    376 Repeals and replaces § C4-92, child care fees (C4)
    378 Amends redevelopment area plan (Special)
    379 Repeals and replaces Ch. I of Div. B2, dangerous animals (B2)
    380 Prezone (Special)
    381 Adopts revised Title D, zoning (Not codified)
    382 Amends contract with the California Public Employees' Retirement System (Special)
    383 Rezone (Special)
    384 Adopts revised Divs. 1 and 2 of Title D, zoning (Not codified)
    385 Amends § A5-31, architectural review board (A5)
    386 Prezone (Special)
    387 Adds § B8-39, parking (B8)
    388 Approves development agreement (Special)
    389 Amends contract with the California Public Employees' Retirement System (Special)
    390 Adds Ch. III to Div. 11 of Title A, police department (A11)
    391 Amends §§ A4-2 and A4-3, officers and employees (A4)
    392 Amends contract with the California Public Employees' Retirement System (Special)
    393 Amends § A7-6, contract and procurement authority (A7)
    394 Prezone (Special)
    395 Describes acquisition authority within city of San Ramon redevelopment project (Special)
    396 Adds Ch. XIII to Div. B6; repeals and replaces Art. 1, Ch. II of Div. B6, various provisions (B6)
    397 Amends § A1-22, general code provisions (A1)
    398 Rezone (Special)
    399 Amends §§ B8-45 and B8-46, speed limits (B8)
    400 Approves amendment to development agreement (Special)
    401 Approves amendment to development agreement (Special)
    402 Adds Ch. V to Div. D3; amends § D8-2, zoning (Not codified)
    403 Amends §§ D3-44, D3-45, D3-50, D6-27 and D8-2, zoning (Not codified)


    Beginning with Supplement No. 9, this table will be replaced with the "Code Comparative Table and Disposition List."